Comments on: How to Raise Your Credit Score 100 Points or More in Less Than 5 Months Sun, 15 Oct 2023 19:14:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jeff Rose, CFP® Fri, 09 Dec 2022 18:45:06 +0000 In reply to Jim Krill.

Way to go! That’s an impressive increase on your credit score.

By: Jim Krill Thu, 08 Dec 2022 12:22:30 +0000 The best way to boost your credit score is get it done the way I did. In the past, I’ve tried everything you can imagine but nothing seemed to work until I somehow got in contact with a known white-hat- hacker who was trying to do good in the world instead of the other way round. They helped me clear my entire debt including student loans, credit card debt, bank loans and the rest.
Then develop habits to manage it by reducing large purchase amount before the closing statement date where you make an additional payment to clear the remaining smaller amount on the due date.
My current scores (Fico 8) 804/800/811.  

By: Patricia Wilson Fri, 22 Jul 2022 02:48:14 +0000 My husband and I recently sold a home and loan is paid off. We looked at our credit reports before getting approved to start looking for another home. We found that the payment for our home loan had been reported late for 24 consecutive months. It looks like a partial payment was applied to the principal on the loan instead of the payment amount due and through the payment off. I contacted the loan officer and he said the quickest way to get it cleared up was to file a dispute with the credit bureaus. I filed the disputes but over two months now nothing had changed, this got us frustrated and annoyed but we got over this few weeks ago when my nephew (Taylor) informed me about captainspyhacker2 at g mailcom who had helped him out when he had a bad credit, I got in touch with him and we talk. He asked me some few question which I answered correctly, we both got a deal and to my greatest surprise captain helped me fixed my credit every reported payment was removed, late payment was marked on on time payment, all debt was cleared and finally got our score high to 810 respectively. I confirmed this on the three credit bureaus site. Thank you captain!

By: Dre Wed, 26 Aug 2020 07:33:05 +0000 In reply to samantha.

One of the ways and quick method of repairing your credit score will be by using the services of a programmer as they do add trade-line and remove derogatory items which in turn will boost your score drastically . I am saying this Because I also had the same issue. You can go on CK forum and you will find SniffingnoseATrepairmanDOTcom there as they had 89% reviews on credit score repair boost .

By: Theresa Tong Wed, 18 Sep 2019 00:22:21 +0000 I have just managed at age 61 (my husband is 66) to pay my home off in full. We have also managed to pay off $50,000 in credit card debt. We have paid off our vehicles, so all we owe now is a remaining $50,000 in credit card debt which we intend to pay off in full next year. At the moment, we are currently bringing in approximately $100,000. We plan on paying off a remaining $50,000 in credit card debit next year and then we will be totally debt free, Thank God. Right now we are sitting at credit scores of 695 and 710. After reading that you are actually penalized for paying off credit cards, cars, and mortgages early, I am convinced that the credit rating system is definitely one of the dumbest things ever created. If I were considering someone for a loan and they paid off cars, their home, and a huge chunk of their credit card debt, I would be very impressed and eager to offer that customer incentives to do business with me. If having a stupid card that I keep a $300 balance off and consistently pay $5.00 or $10.00 on it on time, I just don’t think that is as impressive as a customer who is almost debt free. Whoever thought up the rules and regulations that determine a good credit score was out to lunch. It’s just ridiculous. If paying off big cost items like automobiles and homes do not make the needle move that much on your credit score, then it’s just absolutely inane. People take an entire lifetime to pay off their homes. I think it’s a pretty big deal. The fact that the rules that run the credit scores barely acknowledge an accomplishment of that magnitude just proves to me that credit scores are bogus and are looking at irrelevant information to determine “good” or “excellent” scores. I guess I will get a secured card and pay $10.00 a month and bring my credit score up to 800.

By: John Fri, 31 May 2019 09:25:27 +0000 Great tips! Very similar to what my credit teacher taught me. Although his methods are the fastest I ever seen. It would boost your credit over 200 points in weeks. Trust me, Data scientist and revolutionary hacker Royalblade is the deal. Telegram, @royalblade.

By: Jeff Rose Wed, 15 May 2019 13:53:58 +0000 In reply to Jose.

Not true for a “soft pull”

By: Jose Tue, 07 May 2019 00:22:54 +0000 And the shit is every time you check your credit the score will go down.

By: Wally Thu, 04 Apr 2019 18:59:27 +0000 Is there such a thing as the 800 credit club.also where do you read or find them

By: Richard Allsbrook Fri, 15 Mar 2019 17:44:10 +0000 ya,


seems to be worthless, put in bad credit says nothing available.

