Comments on: How to Start a Blog From Scratch and Make It Work Fri, 10 Nov 2023 11:58:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: JAMES MASABA NAPOSA Fri, 05 Jul 2019 11:03:09 +0000 Thanks

By: Albert Zakhia Thu, 04 Jul 2019 10:52:38 +0000 Hi,
very interesting article.
I am just confused about how to integrate ads into the site in order to make money or how to use it for money generation.

By: Kia Stith Tue, 25 Jun 2019 20:38:41 +0000 Thank you so much for this! I love writing, about any and everything. You make so much sense here, though I must admit I am still confused on more than a few things 🙂 Not to worry, I can learn anything I truly want to learn – in time. I have never been technilogically savvy or a social media lover, but the idea of a blog appeals so much to me. Your article helped to give birth to my dream baby – which may one day turn into a full on adult , creating children of his own. After reading this, I feel that I actually have a chance to express myself through blogging. The tone of this article is super friendly and approachable, sort of familiar. Thank you for using your passion to help inspire others.

By: Stanis Thu, 11 Apr 2019 18:33:52 +0000 Thank you for your deliberate guideline on blogging! It’s really helpful! I agree that on free blogging platforms there is less control over the content and looks. Also, it’s difficult to find a blogging platform from where you can export all your data. Also, the main preoccupation for most of the bloggers is to grow the audience. At least for me it’s the most challenging! For this purpose, I use the blogging platform from where you can create your own channels and get networked with other bloggers, meaning that people who post on similar topics can create a global thread of the blog and thus help to grow each other, it’s called Zecamp (dot)com (you might also type “zecamp content platform”). Basically, you’re joining or creating your own blogging community. It’s minimalistic in design and interface (so forget your WordPress) and works for monetizing right away, and it supports multimedia for those who are up to visual content.

By: Sylvie Sun, 03 Mar 2019 18:01:39 +0000 As an educator, I must say this is excellent information, very well explained! There is a market for us over 40ish…as the way we market/communicate has drastically changed.
Now inspired to start!
Thank you!

By: Demetria Westbrook Mon, 18 Feb 2019 07:55:18 +0000 Well in this informational blog it states to go with the paid subscriptions first, but what if it isn’t affordable (Because the payment is lumped together)? Should you go with the free subscriptions or wait? Meaning the hosting website and domain website!

By: Moses Brodin Mon, 28 Jan 2019 05:52:37 +0000 Just over here going through all your posts and you are so strong-willed it’s amazing. I love how possible you make it seem to earn a living from blogging. I’ve been down tonsss of business ventures, but blogging is the first one that I’m actually seeking out help because it feels like aiming in the dark for traffic.
I do have 1 question:
When you went from talking to yourself to EPIC, did traffic just keep trickling in or did you see a huge surge from one post or one link share that was sustained by your content?

By: Crystal Helene Tue, 01 Jan 2019 01:26:46 +0000 Thank you for the informative instructions on how to start blogging. My name is Crystal Helene aka the #Authenticblkwidow. I have built a large following of men from around the world, I guess by my looks. *shrugs* I’ve search the Internet looking for “God’s people” because the internet felt like the ocean to me. Ironically, I’ve captured a boat full of men when initially I was trying to help women. I am a widow, and I’m African American, so that’s where I got the name The Authentic Black Widow. I have Facebook names for both. A interesting thing happened in the past two years of growing my social medias… I received love from thousands of Arabic speaking countries, particularly, Egypt. In turn, I created an online store selling Egyptian and lion themed accessories. The online store has the ability to create a blog so that’s where I believe I’ll start writing to build my seo presence. I started the store in late July of 2018 so my sales haven’t been that great. My problem is traffic so I’m hoping by blogging it will bring people to my store. This means I will have to submerse myself into the study of Ancient Egypt. Thank you for reading… I found your video on blogging on YouTube. My site is and thanks again Jeff Rose of GoodfinancialCents.

By: Hadas Av-Gay Wed, 05 Dec 2018 17:53:21 +0000 Thank you for such inspiring and informative step by step guide for starting my successful blogging business.

By: Jeff Rose Sun, 25 Nov 2018 14:55:11 +0000 In reply to Neerav.

Hi Neerav – Your blog should be viewable all over the world, but a .com domain will be an advantage since the US is the largest internet market. They’re not country specific, but an India based website is more likely to be viewed specifically by people in India. The .com domain will be the most effective. But you may also be able to set the blog up using both .com and .in. Check with your webhost to see if it’s doable
