Comments on: How to Achieve Important Long-Term Financial Goals Wed, 08 Nov 2023 11:37:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jeff Rose Tue, 29 May 2018 16:48:27 +0000 In reply to Jeri M.

Hi Jeri – Thank you for weighing in. You’re proof that anyone can make dramatic improvements in their finances by making a series of changes in habit and outlook. If you’re making good money, now’s the time to make those improvements! Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t realize this until the hit on a career crisis, and are forced to cut back and make lifestyle changes. Good work Jeri!

By: Jeri M Wed, 16 May 2018 17:11:36 +0000 Thank you for this great article! I have been a financial fool for too long (not the Motley type either). I want to say to anyone who is feeling overwhelmed by their financial situation – YOU CAN overcome it. I have been broke all my life despite having good paying jobs. I had to take a good hard look at MYSELF and take full responsibility.
I let “lifestyle creep” and keeping up with Joneses ruin me, I thought because I made more, I was obligated to be the one to step up, shell out money for others. Mostly I was irresponsible and let money burn a hole in my pocket, always treating myself to just one more thing, then scrambling to pay my “boring”obligations. I had yet to learn the joy of being financially sound and leading a simple life. I was caught up in the game that everyone else made me feel I had to join in on. Suddenly I found myself deep in debt and unable to afford anything but trying to stay ahead of the debt. Frankly I suffered from suicidal thoughts because I could not see a way out. The only way to get out is to do what Jeff says above. One baby step at a time — and most importantly is to change your ATTITUDE about money and your SELF-PERCEPTION. Don’t jump on every bandwagon and don’t feel obligated to accept every invitation or every trend to shell out money you don’t have. Don’t follow the crowd down the path of ruin. I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and I want to tell anyone here who is feeling the pinch — YOU CAN DO IT! Thank you for this great road map and inspiration!

By: Money Beagle Wed, 04 Nov 2015 17:11:19 +0000 Breaking down your bigger goals into a series of smaller goals is a strategy I always advise. Hitting milestones along the way lets you celebrate the accomplishments, measure progress, and delivers motivation to continue to the next milestone. And, before you know it, your goal is achieved!
