Posts by lesodell:

Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University™ – A Full Review
lesodell |
I’ve asked my friend and freelance writer, Les O’Dell, to share experiences as he and his wife, Christine, participated in Financial Peace UniversityTM, a 13-week course from national money talk-show host, Dave Ramsey. This will focus on what FPU is, and his review of the lessons within. Here’s a quick navigation guide, since this is a (very) comprehensive review of …
Save Money By Not Eating Out For an Entire Month
lesodell |
This is another guest post from Les O’Dell as he shares his journey of not eating out for an entire month. Personally, I would fail after a few days, so I give him props for the effort. Enjoy the read and hopefully, this will be your best way to save money! I’m off to get a burger….. 🙂 Table of …