Comments on: How to Make Smart and Purposeful Financial Decisions Sat, 07 Oct 2023 05:04:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Brittney @ Life On A Discount Sat, 04 Jun 2016 01:32:36 +0000 In recent years, I have focused on aligning my spending with my values. So when I make a purchase, especially large ones, I ask myself “does this match my values?” or “will this help me accomplish my financial goals?”

It helps keep things in perspective for me and make better financial decisions.

By: Natalie @ Financegirl Fri, 25 Mar 2016 11:57:02 +0000 I think an important part of making any good decision is to 1) make sure you do what is wise for you (and not someone else, and 2) if you’re not sure, get good advice. The second point requires you to choose your advisors carefully. Make sure you seek someone’s advice who has already done (or is doing) what you want to do. Don’t get advice from just anyone.
