Comments on: All the Types of Life Insurance Policies, Explained Mon, 13 Nov 2023 06:30:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: JJ Fri, 30 Aug 2019 14:31:50 +0000 which can do really wealthy people use the ones that leave multi million or multi billion dollar fortunes & inheritances,belongings,cars & properlties to their family use?

By: Geoffrey Sadler Mon, 15 Oct 2018 19:35:18 +0000 This is an unusually detailed, comprehensive article — I’d say necessary reading for anyone looking to buy, change, sell, cash out a life insurance policy!

By: Donald Howard Fri, 05 Oct 2018 03:42:48 +0000 Excellent health at 79. Full Health check up in July 2018 with excellent report! I am looking for a hybrid term Insurance/ long term health care. Friends report regular long term care providers go up on their rates. I have had only one operation in my life and that was a right knee replacement. After that happened five years ago, I lost 70 pounds and my goal is to lose 15 more pounds. I have been blessed by God!

By: Jeff Rose Tue, 28 Aug 2018 21:24:02 +0000 In reply to Douglas McCorquodale.

Hi Douglas – There’s usually several options. You may be able to cash out the policy. Or you may have enough cash value/dividends that the policy will pay for itself (dividends pay the premiums, so you don’t have to). With whole life, the coverage doesn’t stop unless you stop making the premium payments, so it’s essentially permanent.

By: Douglas McCorquodale Mon, 20 Aug 2018 16:31:30 +0000 I am 71 and completing my will, etc., I have had a Whole life policy for many years, My question is what happens to my policy now? Do I just keep paying the annual premium or is there a point where the insurance ceases coverage and I just take the accrued value?

By: Jeff Rose Thu, 21 Jun 2018 19:24:11 +0000 In reply to Joan Anderson.

Hi Joan – Paid up life insurance. Most likely, it’s some form of whole life policy that’s built up enough cash value that the premiums can be paid out of the dividends from the policy.

By: Joan Anderson Thu, 14 Jun 2018 19:10:31 +0000 I bought a life insurance policy on my granddaughter when she was a baby and was told it was paid up in 10 years and it would pay $10,000 when she died, no matter what age. I was going to drop it but in insurance person told me it would be paid up in a couple months so I kept it until it was paid up. What kind of insurance is that called?

By: Bets Mon, 26 Mar 2018 01:49:45 +0000 In reply to Church.

WOW, I think that’s great! I wish I could understand or had an insurance agent take time with me to invest like you! I had an insurance policy Franklin Life I barrowed one time only! And it wasn’t that much! I had it since I was 15 years old! When I started making payments on the Universal Life Insurance Policy they CANCELED IT OUT! I just turned 42 years old! It was growing so much money! I couldn’t believe they could cancel my policy? I just been really hesitant to go to any INSURANCE PLACES AFTER THAT it was horrible. Where did all my money go???
I still wonder today?? I paid $35.52 a month. And all of sudden the insurance company and I barrowed $1000.00 from it. There was a bunch more in my account? But I became really ILL and I phoned the company etc? I didn’t even have to pay my premium but I did anyway because I didn’t want this to happen! I really thought when I was 15 and signed up for the account it was an excellent idea! And a great retirement investment! Can anyone tell me has this happened to anyone or why it did? Please email me! Thanks god bless everyone

By: Jeff Rose Thu, 15 Mar 2018 22:15:47 +0000 In reply to Coast.

The best course of action is to work with a reputable life insurance broker. He or she should know of some companies that have a more favorable view of smoking. You’ll still pay more for the policy, but you want to minimize the rating, and the premium. It does vary somewhat by company.

By: Coast Sun, 11 Mar 2018 17:33:38 +0000 My boyfriend is 51 and in good health but does smoke cigarettes we are trying to find a good policy to take care of him if something happens where I can afford funeral cost and take care of me also if he goes before me any suggestions ,
