Comments on: How to Find Your Real FICO Credit Score Mon, 02 Oct 2023 08:27:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Maximillian L. Sun, 05 Jun 2022 21:32:59 +0000 In reply to Wendy.

Experian does; they do it directly on their website, and also allow you to monitor your TransUnion & Equifax ones as well, for a membership of $14.95/month after a 7-day free trial.

The “consumer educational report” from CreditKarma and similar free sites come from your VantageScore usually so that’s the discrepancy.

By: Maximillian L. Sun, 05 Jun 2022 20:52:28 +0000 Appreciate the information but there are many inaccuracies…

CreditKarma pulls from BOTH Transunion and Equifax, not just TransUnion as you stated above (blue text, large font).

Secondly, Experian shows you your FICO score for free; if you log in right now, it will show you that it is a FICO 8 score (small text below your score that generates), while CreditKarma uses your VantageScore like most of these free sites. Meaning it’s not just your “consumer educational score” but actually off of an entirely different system as Lisa stated.

Additionally, Experian allows you to buy scores from all 3 bureaus for a monthly membership of $14.95/mo. (after a 7-day free trial). Again, Experian tells you directly on their site that this is a FICO 8 score, not just a “consumer education score” as Philip stated.


Lastly, it seems that your banker may have been referring to the fact that Fannie & Freddie were given approval by the FHFA in November 2020 (a little over a year ago) to continue using the classic FICO models compared to the new FICO9 model, which is less harsh on certain collections like medical bills than its predecessors, and Fannie & Freddie made their own determination to continue judging creditworthiness on the previous models standard.

Please update this or embed a YouTube video so the people that run across this (especially in the comments) can stop running with false information. Thanks, Jeff! I’ve been watching your videos for several years, and look forward to your future content.

By: Wendy Sat, 05 Oct 2019 01:29:40 +0000 Have you found any lenders that will use the FICO 8 score now?

By: Roger Steven Lacey Fri, 31 May 2019 09:42:55 +0000 I would like to receive my free once a year true credit report with my real FICO score

By: Jeff Rose Thu, 27 Dec 2018 01:56:42 +0000 In reply to Brad Taylor.

Hi Brad – You can usually get your FICO free from your bank. Many offer it as a free service.

By: Brad Taylor Sat, 15 Dec 2018 18:33:13 +0000 In reply to Jeff Rose.

No Jeff as far as I can see you can’t request just your score at least if you can can you please show us the link to where you can because every single thing that I tried to get that simple credit score FICO score it wants you to join an expensive monitoring service to get it how do I get just the score and only the score the FICO score?

By: Jeff Rose Tue, 15 May 2018 23:58:46 +0000 In reply to Ayishah.

Hi Ayishah – Each credit bureau will have a different score, especially if there’s a difference in what’s been reported between the three. Not all creditors report to all bureaus. That can lead to some wide differences. I’m not sure what you mean by mortgage score, though I do know there are different scoring models for mortgage lenders, so if you pull a residential mortgage credit report (called an RMCR) the scores will also be different. But RMCRs are usually pulled by mortgage companies, and not available to individuals, so I’m curious.

By: Ayishah Sat, 05 May 2018 13:31:17 +0000 Thank You so much for doing the homework to give some of us an idea of how to understand credit. I am in the process of rebuilding my credit after getting out of the military. my scores are not great at all but i understand it was my fault for being careless. i paid for the which i think is amazing by the way. my scores are 584eq 614trans and 584exp. But my mortgage scores are the ones i am more concerned with. they are 525eq, 561trans and 577exp. i thought that was very interesting that my transunion score on myfico is the highest but on the mortgage scores it’s lower and experian is higher. Do you have any idea why that could be? also, do you have any suggestions that could possibly help me get my scores up for mortgage? I don’t have a large debt but my credit history is extremely new not even a year. anything you can suggest would be helpful.

By: Katherine Anne Everman Mon, 29 Jan 2018 19:51:35 +0000 In reply to Katherine Anne Everman.

I apologize for my typos 🙁

By: Katherine Anne Everman Mon, 29 Jan 2018 19:50:06 +0000 In reply to Jeff Rose.

My Fico is 100 points higher than the “education scores” you are not the only one
