Comments on: How Does An Accelerated Death Benefit Work? Wed, 04 Oct 2023 16:51:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kevin Oliveras Wed, 20 Mar 2013 00:13:15 +0000 I have a sick relative who is essentially a dependent. He have a rare blood disorder called TTP which if untreated has a mortality rate of 90% if untreated and leads to organ failure primarily affecting the kidneys, brain, or heart. With aggressive and extraordinary measures using a treatment called plasmapheresis the survival rate of the disease is 80%-90%. This treatment is only available at major regional medical centers and a single treatment may cost $5000-$7000. The number of treatments may range from seven to one hundred. In rare cases the treatment may not work at all and come with side effects such as seizure, stroke, kidney failure, or gall bladder disease. Treatments require the installation of a permanent catheter usually in the neck which limits and debilitates the patient. Risks from this aspect of treatment and from other medications and procedures carry risks as well. Final costs of a single episode can result in medical bills higher than $250,000 many of which are not covered under any health insurance. Essentially you will die in a two week period of this disease once it is full blown…unless you agree to take extraordinary measures that will put you through torture on a daily basis that will cost you more than you can ever pay.
Can this disease qualify as a terminal illness so that you may qualify for an Accelerated Death Benefit on a life insurance policy? Is there a team of underwriters who’s job it is to disqualify people for this.
