Comments on: Universal Life Pros and Cons Wed, 15 Nov 2023 07:07:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Wanda Franklin Tue, 17 Sep 2019 19:44:18 +0000 Well, I have called every number on all your company pages. Doesn’t anybody work? Now I know why my stock is doing so poorly. All I want (without junk) a list of stock you purchased for me for the 37 years. My account is done so badly, all I am doing is paying your agents. Now if I could find an agent of yours to help me, I would be somewhat happy. I want this information and if I do not receive any action from all the phone calls and messages and trying to talk to your idiot customer service, maybe I should inform The Wall Street Journal, NYT, or the Washington Post about your shabby dealings with a small life insurance policy. You would think that after 37 years, I could speak to someone that has a brain. Again, all I want is a list of what your company bought for me (not anyone else) for the past 27 years, then I might be able to understand why my account is always on the brink of lapsing.

By: Geoffrey Sadler Thu, 20 Dec 2018 01:58:12 +0000 In reply to charles martin.

Steve — you’re right on target age wise… to sell your policy for serious bucks. A lot of boomers, seniors, are actually educating themselves online (not an easy thing for many older folks) and are indeed selling a life insurance policy to help pave the way for a much better retirement. They’re fed up getting over-charged every month by their life insurance company – after working hard all their life, winding down on expenses, down-sizing a bit… Convertible term and universal life policies can be sold for a lot of money. Motivated seniors, retirees, baby boomers – to escape their insurance company sending them a letter telling them uh-oh, too late to get anything for surrendering their life insurance policy. Possibly to pay for a nursing home or to add cash to a retirement nest egg. Oldsters frequently ask their financial advisor, “Can I sell my life insurance policy?” and “How do I sell my life insurance policy for cash?” or “How do you start the process for selling your life insurance policy for cash?” Selling a life insurance policy for cash is, for most seniors, a critically important move, at a crucial stage of their life, where they don’t have forever ahead, where one needs to make the most of one’s time…to make the most of every day, of every month, every year. You know what I mean? You’re not 23 any more, and time really counts. And wasted time you never get back, whether it’s an hour or a year… it doesn’t matter. It’s wasted time. And as we get older, in our late 70s and 80s and 90s, I hate to say it, but our options get more and more limited. For example, we don’t have the seemingly countless options and opportunities to make a lot of money – that we have when we’re in our 20s and 30s or even 40s, 50s and 60s. So we have to make the best of it at every turn. One option we do have is, for example, selling a universal life insurance policy, or a convertible term policy (if we’re over 70) – and after we figure out who are the companies that buy your life insurance policy… and learn about the advantages of selling your life insurance policy – we can go about selling a life insurance policy like that with an experienced life settlement company. Seniors these days are as Internet savvy as anyone, and tend to research high end online sources to get relevant data from websites like, or, or AARP, or even an boutique life settlement company like Clever boomers, retirees, seniors will call up a company like that and hit the bottom line right off the bat – they’ll ask, “How do I know how much my policy is worth!” or “Who purchases life insurance policies!” or “Who are companies that buy your life insurance policy! I need to know right now!” Solid research on the phone and online is, in my opinion, how you go about figuring out how to start the process of selling a life-insurance policy in a safe, smart manner… How to cash out a life insurance policy – to get as much money as possible from a life insurance cash out transaction, to finally stop wasting good money after bad on inflated premium prices that insurance companies are charging people in their 70s and 80s and 90s – without any conscience at all Don’t those life insurance VPs and CEOs, accountants and lawyers have aging mothers or fathers? Or grandfathers, or grandmothers? Seriously. How would they like some insurance company sharks to be squeezing their elderly relatives out of their life savings, basically forcing them to decide every single month whether they’re going to pay for horribly over-priced but critical medicine they must have… or to pay their life insurance premium! What a choice! Selling a life insurance policy, for many older people, is frequently a life-and-death matter. I think it makes sense to try to put a stop to that struggle – and, instead, sell your life insurance policy for cash now – and put some real money in the bank for a change! Hey, if you could get up to 40% of your universal life or convertible term life insurance policy in cash value, that is literally 4 to 10 times as much as the miniscule payment you get from the insurer if you surrender your policy to them – you’d be pretty dumb not to do it, wouldn’t you? And you’d get a happy answer to that classic question, “Can I sell my life insurance?” or “Can I sell my life insurance for cash now?” Plus a nice pile of cash in 2 or 3 weeks that could really change your life. For me, it’s a no-brainer.

By: Jeff Rose Sun, 25 Nov 2018 15:50:44 +0000 In reply to Dave Martin.

Hi Dave – I don’t know your personal financial situation, but this arrangement will definitely benefit the insurance agent, but not necessarily you and you wife. Please meet with a financial planner (one unrelated to the insurance agent) to discuss if this is really in your best interest. $12,500 is a lot of money to pay for a policy that will be worth no more than $125,000 in ten years.

By: Dave Martin Mon, 12 Nov 2018 19:20:15 +0000 My wife and I have 403b with 250-300k in each. My investment guy wants us to withdraw $12,500 a year to pay for a universal life policy. I am 65, my wife is 61. This will go on 10 yrs and then no more payments. We’ll have 125000 in each with a death payout of 400k.

Who’s getting the deal, bad or good?

By: Richard Payne Fri, 31 Aug 2018 19:16:56 +0000 I took out a Universal policy for 100000 costing 150 month 20 years ago. The premium has gone up each year and now it is so costly that we cannot afford it so I have been forced to drop it!
The Premium has jumped to over a thousand dollars WOW! I have paid so much money now as my age is much older we cannot paythe premiums!!!!! I hope i can find someone to help hoping class a class action law suite! who in there right mind would buy policy that has a increasing premium each year. HELP!!!

By: Jeff Rose Sun, 29 Apr 2018 17:17:43 +0000 In reply to blm.

Given the complexity of your situation, I suggest sitting down with an agent or representative and going over the options and limitations in some deep detail. I can’t address your situation in a web comment. Sorry!

By: blm Tue, 24 Apr 2018 02:35:30 +0000 What about Universal Life for someone age 67 years with a four year old child? I want a plan for at least 25 years! No one EVER addresses this situation. I only live on social security.

By: Charles Mon, 05 Feb 2018 05:34:54 +0000 So, I have a Universal policy, not sure if it si worth keeping or not, I have invest about 24K into it so far, it has grown nicely. It has a cap of 13% and a floor of 7%. The total payout is $750K and the total amount of cash that I would put in is $240K, so that seems like a good return on investment, I hate to say it that way, but in essence that is the case. I pay annually about $8K, which feels like a lot. I also do have term life insurance as well as you noted in the article. My initial reason for the policy was to have money for my kids education and I can withdraw a decent amount against the policy once my first child is 18 and ready for university. I am wondering if it is a good idea to just cut my losses and close the policy, then invest my money in a Roth IRA, or reduce the Universal Life policy, so my payments are drastically reduced, but I still have a gain above what I have put it? Thanks.

By: Jeff Rose Sun, 04 Feb 2018 23:15:32 +0000 In reply to Steve.

Well said Steve!

By: Steve Mon, 29 Jan 2018 19:25:05 +0000 I am an agent and attend to agree with you Jeff on certain issues…. Unfortunately universal life policies have been structured by uneducated Agents for many years that has enviably ended bad for many folks… But if used as a correct financial tool they can be a good alternative to whole life policies, on the other hand same goes with Term insurance – because if you live long enough you can out live the policy , but not the need ! Companies make us go back through underwriting when we issue a new term on ourselves, 20 years down the line … so let me ask the question “is your health as good as it was 20 years ago”? With a universal policy you will pay more on cost of insurance up front versus a term, a universal policy will not ever make you as much as a financial product would( IRA ROTH 401 etc…) , but what if you make it 21 years and your health is bad and you haven’t saved as much as you would like? And now a company will not insure you due to health risk…. See we as consumers never think we are going to get sick or even worse die, and advocates of term policies always want to show the investment side of the products and never want to explain the fact that you may not be able to get insured again… I have a client that believed all he needed was term , until the day he was diagnosed with diabetes type 1 at the age of 34. ( his conversion time had elapsed as well)
so now you have a 34 year old with 4 kids all under the age of 9 with only a 401k as financial stability for his family….
We have to learn that just because the product works in one case does not mean it works in all cases, and truly never will
