Comments on: What Is an “Indirect Rollover”? (And Why You Should Care) Fri, 29 Sep 2023 16:22:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jill Fri, 11 Mar 2022 14:42:23 +0000 Hi, Jeff,

I requested direct transfers from 3 different IRAs at 3 different institutions in 2021 to consolidate accounts. One of them totally botched it and sent the check to me. I figured no biggie; the other two places sent the checks directly to the new institution FBO to me so while doing the 60-day rollover thing is lousy, I could live with it. I had never done an indirect IRA-IRA rollover before and didn’t plan on any ever again, so I didn’t try to return the funds to them.

But now one of the two places I thought had done it correctly is claiming that instead of a direct transfer, it was a rollover. They sent me a 1099-R, which the IRS says isn’t needed if the funds do not go to the participant. The 1099-R is coded 7G. Does this mean I am in violation of the 1-per-year rule, or am I safe since the check was sent directly to the gaining institution? My tax people just stared at me in disbelief so I’m a little concerned. If I’m going to owe money I want to pay ASAP before even more penalties are incurred.


By: Sheryl Dobbins Sat, 09 Feb 2019 13:34:15 +0000 Did a direct transfer from my Traditional IRA account in Vanguard to a Navy Fed IRA IRA acct by wire. Wire instructions said “IRA Direct Transfer, FBO Ken Mills. ”

Vanguard questioning now if they will code it on the 1099-R the send for 2019 as direct transfer using Letter G in Box 7. This is because they wired the money to Navy Fed. Please advise.


By: Jeff Rose Sun, 05 Aug 2018 16:59:36 +0000 In reply to Tracy Boone.

Hi Tracy – Take it to your bank and see if you can cash it (and yes, you’ll then have to pay the tax and penalty). If the bank says no, you’ll have to contact the pension administrator who issued the check and find out what’s going on.

By: Jeff Rose Sun, 05 Aug 2018 16:55:16 +0000 In reply to Hana O’Neill.

Hi Hana – Not as long as you complete the rollover within 60 days. But if they’ve withheld taxes on the distribution(s) you may not have sufficient money to rollover the entire amount, and that part could be taxable. For example, if the distribution was $10,000 and they withheld $2,000 for taxes, you may have only $8,000 to rollover, unless you supplement the rollover with other funds. Otherwise the $2,000 not rolled over into the new account will be taxable.

By: Tracy Boone Thu, 02 Aug 2018 15:19:20 +0000 Apparently I did not request a payout or offer any information on my 401k after my termination. It seems a indirect rollover has been done. The check I received has pay to the order of (a trustee name then my name address etc,). At the bottom where authorized signature is,there is no signature. Who signs the check? Also I wanted a cash payout from my 401k. How do I go about changing this or can i cash the check I received and pay the taxes and the penalty?

By: Hana O’Neill Wed, 01 Aug 2018 15:49:35 +0000 Jeff; I have a Beneficiary IRA that I pulled $10,000 at the beginning of 2018. Ameriprise did another “automatic” distribution of $11,200 this week. I do not want this money in my bank account, and was told by Ameriprise that I could do an indirect rollover within 60 days to put it back into my IRA. If I did so, would I be paying income tax on the $11,200 regardless?

By: Jeff Rose Tue, 29 May 2018 18:08:58 +0000 In reply to Ken Schoen.

Hi Ken – As I interpret the one ira rollover per year rule you’ll be safer if you do a direct trustee-to-trustee rollover of the two IRAs into one. There’s no limit on those. As to making up the exit fees out of pocket, that might be construed as an additional contribution, which may or may not be allowed in your situation. Check with your tax preparer as well as all three trustees to make sure you go about this the right way.

By: Ken Schoen Thu, 24 May 2018 21:06:59 +0000 Hi Jeff – I have 2 traditional pre-tax IRA’s that I am thinking of combining into I contribution to another IRA with a mutual fund. One IRA is a bank CD that is maturing in early June, 2018 and the other is a brokerage account with a brokerage firm that will require me to request the distribution. If the proceeds from both IRA cash-outs are sent to me and I cut a check for the proceeds to the recipient mutual fund within 60 days will I have met the IRS rule of one indirect rollover within 360 days? Also, if the brokerage IRA has fees deducted so I receive the net proceeds can I add back the fees deducted (without tax consequences) when I send the check to the recipient mutual fund? Thanks.

By: Jeff Rose Sun, 19 Mar 2017 20:42:35 +0000 In reply to Sam Fan.

Hi Sam – You’re question is very specific and carries tax complications/implications. For that reason I’m going to refer you to your CPA. Only someone who knows your actual tax situation should address this kind of question. What I will offer is that if you “just take all the money out” you WILL have taxes and probably penalties. That’s why you need to talk to a CPA.

By: Sam Fan Tue, 14 Mar 2017 17:44:02 +0000 I did 3 indirect rollover in 2016 into 1 account as my agent suggested …(now I know that was a big mistake) of course 2/3 1099R, they coded 1. Im thinking to just take all money out. Is this the best solution?
