Comments on: The 11 Best Personal Finance Software to Get Your Money Swag On Tue, 16 Jan 2024 11:30:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nancy Sat, 09 Mar 2019 22:03:09 +0000 Years ago i had the 2007 Quicken program but when my computer crashed I lost it becuase it wasn’t backed up. All I want to do is keep track of my everyday expenses in my personal checking and credit card account.\ Two years ago I developed Macular Degeneration and I can see well enough with one eye to enter information but the old Quicken made it possible for me to calculate all my donations when tax time comes around, ;how much I’m spending each month on auto fuel and groceries, for example. Also monthly mortgage and utilities. I set up a plan manually but it doesn’t allow me to do the simple calculations i could do on Quicken. I don’t need a program like a business owner would use and and I don’t need one for investments. (I can hardly read what I’ve written here because it’s so light and hard to see.) I hope it makes sense to you because it takes me too much time to manually keep track of my expenses.. I hope you can recommend something that will be secure and efficient. Thank you.

By: SKE Tue, 31 Jan 2017 11:07:06 +0000 Has anyone used Mevelopes from Finicity? I like the concept of the envelope system and debt repayment strategy, videos and helps they offer and that it works for a couple. When I looked at Mint years ago, it was only for one user. Has this changed?

By: Elizabeth Mon, 28 Jan 2013 02:50:29 +0000 is also a fantastic source. Especially for the daily ins and outs of tracking where you spend your budget. We spend only about 10 minutes a week updating it. We’ve used it for several years now and love it.

By: Sarah Sun, 02 Dec 2012 02:39:31 +0000 I would recommend

By: Kevin P Sat, 01 Dec 2012 01:28:46 +0000 I’d recommend

It’s similar to many of the budgeting tools you listed, but I find it more useful because of it’s cash flow forecasting capability. It calculates all the state/federal taxes, as well as factoring in how various savings accounts are taxed. The interface makes it easy to run trade studies, seeing how changing any of your assumptions affects your forecasts in real time.

By: Baqua spa Wed, 31 Oct 2012 11:45:20 +0000 I think that “Personal Capital” would be the best personal finance software to manage my household as after the initial check in I will be able to monitor all of my investments in real time and get unbiased advice for my future.

By: Sadie Mon, 29 Oct 2012 13:02:57 +0000 In reply to Jeff Rose.

I have used QuickBooks for small biz account sin ’92; however it does not provide an investment tool as to how you are performing compared to the market, make comparisons, and track your gains and losses for tax purposes. Recently bought Quicken 2013 Home & Business to begin transitioning small biz records & personal together.

Needing to prepare a Statement of Assets & Liabilities; hopefully this will provide what I need better than calculator & paper!

By: Jason Barefoot Thu, 18 Oct 2012 03:06:28 +0000 Mint and Ready For Zero appear to offer great services. However, the problem I have is that both sites don’t seem to support GE Capital and Citibank branded credit or retail cards. It’s difficult to see the big picture when all accounts are not present.

By: Mr. TOB Wed, 17 Oct 2012 18:20:59 +0000 Those are some great tools. My wife and I are huge fans of YouNeedABudget to manage or day to day budgets.

Credit Sesame and Credit Karma are great to keep a pulse on our credit. I think I may have to write a piece on those tools.

Even with YNAB, I will still use to play around with their reports.

By: Max Wed, 17 Oct 2012 15:39:42 +0000 I haven’t tried some of the tools mentioned here, but I’m definitely going to give Credit Karma a try. As to our family finances, my wife and I are using for budgeting and tracking household expenses. It’s free and quite useful.
