Comments on: Empower vs Mint | The Two Best Financial Services App on the Web Mon, 13 Nov 2023 10:14:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mark Sat, 02 Apr 2022 01:58:31 +0000 In reply to Mrs Lewis.

Did you ever figure out how to fix the “two accounts with the same bank” problem in PC (or does anyone else know how)? My wife and I each have checking accounts at the same banks (don’t ask why they’re still separate) and also have our own 529 accounts for our kids with the same 529 plan (which are separate for much better reasons). But even though PC says that you can link an account with a different login, every time I try to add one of my wife’s accounts, the program just replaces the login info for my account with her login info. It’s quite annoying, and I can’t figure out what to do with that. Any suggestions would be welcome. Thx.

By: Greg Thu, 11 Jul 2019 01:54:05 +0000 I installed PC and started loading information and links and immediately a Red Flag went up in my head. Am I the only one nervous about giving an app access to all my financial accounts? I only have 5 different institutions holding my investable assets. But why on earth would I allow an app the power to see all 5? Look, call me a Neanderthal and I’m a retired federal law enforcement type and military officer. Which maybe is exactly why there’s no way I’m going to let any for profit commercial types know 100% about my finances. Not smart.

Please I’m all ears- why would I want to do give PC this powerful information? Oh, and if/when they’re hacked. It’s called compartmentalization, folks. Never, ever let someone you don’t personally trust know everything about you.

By: Eric L Fri, 17 May 2019 05:58:09 +0000 Thanks for your breakdown.

I just signed up for Mint the other day, set up my budgets tonight. I think I will set up everything identically in Personal Capital tomorrow.

I’ll run them both for a few weeks and see which to stay with. My focus right now is budgeting but within 3 years it will shift to investing, so I may prefer Mint for now . . .we’ll see!

By: dlk Sun, 28 Apr 2019 06:09:16 +0000 I’ve used Personal Capital for several years now. They perform as advertised UNLESS anything changes with your interface access to your accounts. My bank changed their software which messed up the interface access. It has been two months now and their IT department still hasn’t fixed the interface with no relief in sight. What good is the account if you cannot update transactions and balances? Sure the service is worth what you paid for it. But it leaves me wondering if they would manage your money like this also. I’ll contact support again in six months. In the mean time I’m back to using Mint. They fixed their interface with my bank within two weeks. Just sayin…

By: Jeff Rose Mon, 28 Jan 2019 23:56:48 +0000 In reply to Rob.

Hi Rob – Unfortunately, neither Personal Capital nor Mint offer account reconciliation 🙁

By: Rob Fri, 25 Jan 2019 20:15:41 +0000 I’m looking to move on from Quicken 16 (not into paying $45/year for subscription fee) – but something I’m not sure of and haven’t been able to find out for sure … does PC or Mint allow users to reconcile accounts? Seems like all the Quicken alternatives allow users to download from external institutions (banks , credit cards , etc) … but I’m not sure if they all allow users to reconcile accounts?

By: Jeff Rose Thu, 27 Sep 2018 20:24:59 +0000 In reply to Richard Brooks.

Hi Richard – I have heard similar stories from others. It may be that Mint is having difficulty syncing with certain institutions, or perhaps a flaw in their system itself.

By: Richard Brooks Thu, 13 Sep 2018 01:04:35 +0000 I liked Mint but it seems like they frequently have issues connecting to financial institutions. Personal capital has issues too but a lot less frequent than Mint. It was a he main reason I made the switc to personal capital.

By: Jeff Rose Thu, 21 Jun 2018 19:07:32 +0000 In reply to Jack B.

Hi Jack – The only thing I can think of is to have someone at PC contact Capital One. If not, you may just have to leave that account out. Or contact Capital One and threaten to close your account if they don’t help. You’re in a tough spot with no easy answers.

By: Jack B Wed, 06 Jun 2018 14:57:38 +0000 In reply to Liam.

In the week+ since I set up PC I have been unable to establish a link with my primary checking and savings account holder – Capital One Bank. PC is adamant that they have established users linked to CO but so far, they cannot resolve this. I called CO and they informed me that PC does not have authorize to sync with CO.

What am I missing here?
